Could you please explain more about what kind of IoT devices are deployed? What Wireless technology do they use? Is it Lora or it is yet to be designed? Are commercially available IMSI catchers allowed as part of the proposed solution?

Could you please explain more about what kind of IoT devices are deployed? What Wireless technology do they use? Is it Lora or it is yet to be designed? Are commercially available IMSI catchers allowed as part of the proposed solution?

For Stage 2, we are going to be using WiFi. If you use Lora, you can demonstrate that, but you will need to integrate WiFi into your solution in order to be evaluated. We will primarily being using WiFi in this challenge. We won’t be using cellphone technology in this challenge. You can demonstrate another technology but you will be evaluated based on a WiFi system.

Stage 2 submission period opens Sept 6 - Watch the Stage 2 Kickoff Webinar