The First Responder UAS Wireless Data Gatherer Challenge (UAS 6.0) seeks innovators with applicable expertise across and beyond the UAS ecosystem. For public safety and the greater good, contribute invaluable knowledge and ingenuity in artificial intelligence (AI), radio communications and mapping, Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, and more.
Challenge results will support the public safety community and its partners to improve real-time situational awareness and save lives while operating in potentially dangerous radio-complex outdoor environments without fixed communications infrastructure or satellite communications. You can make a difference!
Open to All Eligible Contestants
Description of the applied research in related fields that have the potential to improve the described use case, including characterization of associated risks.
Open to All Eligible Contestants
Measurement of relevant capabilities through self-administered, video recorded, communally attested tests.
Up to 10 Contestants Selected from Stage 2
UAS specification and safety verification;
live measurement of UAS solution in application scenarios.
Total Challenge Award = $730,000
Components Paper Awards
Up to 10
$15,000 (each), up to $150,000 total
Whole System
Mid-Stage Progress Review
Up to 20
$2,000 (each), up to $40,000 total
Whole System Awards
Up to 10
$20,000 (each), up to $200,000 total
$5,000 (each) in travel prize to attend Stage 3, up to $50,000 total
Best-in-Class Awards
Up to 3
$5,000 (each), up to $15,000 total
Scenario Testing
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best-in-Class Awards
Up to 5
$10,000 (each), up to $50,000 total
NOTE: This only describes cash prize awards. NIST reserves the right to decline to make awards or make fewer awards than anticipated. Throughout the challenge, any prize funds available in one stage but not awarded to any contestants during that stage may be moved forward and awarded in subsequent stages. If needed, prior to the start of the subsequent stage, a rules modification will occur to indicate the new prize amounts. NIST also reserves the right to extend Stage 3 invitations to additional Stage 2 contestants beyond the 10 Stage 2 winners. Such additional Stage 3 invitations will not include cash awards.
Challenge open for Stage 1 submissions through the website; begin Stage 1.
Stage 1 Webinar : Learn about NIST PSCR’s UAS 6.0 Competition
Stage 1 submission period ends.
Stage 1 winners announced. Begin Stage 2; teams may begin building solutions.
Stage 2 Kickoff Webinar : Whole System Objectives for UAS Survey & Sensing Technologies
Stage 2 submission period opens; peer review and evaluation via leaderboard begins.
Mid-stage progress review submission period ends (optional).
Mid-stage progress review winners announced.
Stage 2 submission period ends.
Stage 2 winners announced; begin Stage 3.
Stage 3 is a live, in-person competition for scored capability demonstrations through scenario testing.
Stage 3 winners announced.
NOTE: NIST reserves the right to revise the dates at any time