For contestants who only plan to submit component technologies, can they submit measurements only for that technology? Or do they need to submit for all 5 tests?
Contestants have options to win awards in Best-in-Class and/or be invited to Stage 3 without completing all five tests or being Top 10 on the Leaderboard. As stated in the Official Rules, “from the Main Contest, up to the top 10 Stage 2 winners selected by the judge panel will be awarded cash prizes as outlined in Table B – Awards and Funding and receive invitations to Stage 3: Live Evaluation. From the Best-in-Class Contests, the best performing team for each capability will receive respective Best-in-Class awards. NIST reserves the right to award non-cash prize invitations to contestants who are not in the top 10 Stage 2 winners or Best-in-Class Winners, but who pass Criterion 1 and receive a score on Criterion 2 above 30% of the total.”