Is this challenge asking to include a solution for lack of data connectivity as well as data collection/analysis? Or Contestants assume internet connectivity exists?

Is this challenge asking to include a solution for lack of data connectivity as well as data collection/analysis? Or Contestants assume internet connectivity exists?

Relying entirely on the public cellular network(s) for this communication is not recommended. The idea is for the UAS to “ferry” the data from the sensor back to the command server in a scenario where internet access is limited. To put this in perspective, think about a wildfire in a canyon in Colorado. Many of these places have degraded or non-existent communications infrastructure. A command vehicle at the bottom of the canyon may have a Starlink satellite providing internet connectivity to a command server in the cloud. In this scenario, we would use a drone to collect sensor data further up the canyon and ferry it back to the command center. We are focusing on the plausibility of using the UAS as the data relay where internet connectivity and other resources to support network connections may not be available.

Team NavigateIO is the Stage 2 midstage winner!