Can you share more about the sensors/IoT items we will be finding and receiving data from in the contest?

Can you share more about the sensors/IoT items we will be finding and receiving data from in the contest?

For Stages 2 and 3, we are simulating a scenario where data is collected from IoT sensors on the ground versus actual, commercial sensors. The data will not be large streams of data, rather they will be small data files of less than 1Mbyte that may include imagery or simple data packets provided by ESP32 WiFi enabled IoT nodes. Prior to the launch of Stage 2, early to mid-August, we will provide a Stage 2 Guidance Document that will discuss the sample code we intend to provide all teams for you to include on your UAS for data collection from specialized radio equipment. The radios designed for Stages 2 and 3 will be represented by WiFi transmitters that are easy and legal for teams to procure, build, and operate. To further understand the Stage 2 design, a team that specializes in radio mapping or path planning is not locked out of the competition because they don’t have expertise in, say, the radios necessary to simulate and decode 4G cellphone transmissions.

Stage 2 submission EXTENDED to January 24, 2025